As a matter of course in medical device regulation, risk management is also important in pharmaceuticals.
However, risk management in pharmaceuticals is limited to risks to the quality of the product, and is not limited to “Quality Risk Management (QRM) QRM (Quality Risk Management).
(See our article “The Difference Between Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices“).
The first step in risk management is “risk analysis.
So what exactly is “risk analysis”?
For example, let us analyze the risk of a PC projector.
First, the risk analysis identifies the hazards in the product in question (also equipment, devices, facilities, and systems). A hazard is a source of danger.
In the case of PC projectors, hazards include “light,” “heat,” “hot air,” “electric power,” “electromagnetic waves,” and “gravity.
For example, a leakage of electricity could cause an electric shock, or a fall from a ceiling or desk could cause injury.
Here I would like to use heat as an example for risk analysis.
A hazard called heat becomes a “hazardous condition” when it becomes hot. (This is called exposure to the hazard in risk management terminology.)
If a human comes into contact with a part that is in a hazardous condition (i.e., hot), “harm” in the form of burns will occur.
The possibility of harm means that a risk exists.

I would like to remind you of the definition of risk here.
Risk is the probability of occurrence of harm multiplied by the severity of that harm.
First, as for severity, let’s say moderate because it is a burn. (On a scale of 5, about 3)
Next is the probability of occurrence, which is difficult to calculate.
For PC projectors, the probability of exposure to the hazard (i.e., high temperature conditions) (hereafter p1) would be 100%.
However, the probability of occurrence is the probability that harm will occur. In other words, if a person does not come into contact with a hot area, no harm such as burns will occur.
Then, what is the probability of human contact (p2) with the hot spot?
Perhaps no one will ever know.
Since the risk is a problem that has not yet occurred in the first place, it is difficult to calculate how likely it is to occur.
In the initial condition (before risk control), p2 can be the maximum value. (Since probability is expressed as a decimal point, it is assumed to be 1.0. In the case of a percentage, it is assumed to be 100%.)
The probability of occurrence of harm is p1(1) x p2(1) = 1. In other words, it is assumed to be 100%. (In the case of 5 steps, we assume 5.)
In risk analysis, it is not about determining the exact initial probability of occurrence, but how much the probability of occurrence can be reduced after risk control (consideration of safety measures).
For example, if an acrylic plate were attached to prevent human contact (p2 = 0), the probability of occurrence would be zero.
In the PC projector, the risk of getting burned is severity 3 x probability of occurrence 5 = 15.
Plotted on R-MAP, 15 would probably be moderate.
Thus, estimating hazardous conditions from hazards, estimating harm, and calculating risk is called risk analysis.
(Note: In ISO 14971 and others, the above process is called risk assessment and is subdivided into risk analysis and subdivided into risk analysis and risk assessment).
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これまでICH-Q9 「品質リスクマネジメントに関するガイドライン」は課長通知として発出されていました。
しかしながら、ICH-Q9 「品質リスクマネジメントに関するガイドライン」は難解です。
本セミナーでは、難解なICH Q9を分かりやすく解説し、品質リスクマネジメントの要点をまとめます。
これまでICH-Q9 「品質リスクマネジメントに関するガイドライン」は課長通知として発出されていました。
しかしながら、ICH-Q9 「品質リスクマネジメントに関するガイドライン」は難解です。
本セミナーでは、難解なICH Q9を分かりやすく解説し、品質リスクマネジメントの要点をまとめます。